Why Your Website Traffic Dropped? The answer is here!

Raise your hands if you are searching for reasons why your website traffic is dropping. Lots of people are searching for the same question but, no worries anymore you will get your answer here.  Nothing is more irritating than a sudden drop in website traffic so it’s your duty to find out your website problem and bring your website back on track. In this guide, we will cover the possible reasons why your platform traffic dropped.

Also, check Keyword research, Backlinks

View Traffic Sources:

  • With the help of Hub Spot, you can make your SEO Simple and easy, you can also study where your traffic is arriving from.
  • Another source for viewing traffic is Google Analytics. Open your analytics account, click the Acquisition tab, then visit “all traffic” After that click the source/medium which contains the traffic sources list along with the user count that they have bought to your platform. GA property recently shifted to GA-4 property. 

Why Your Website Traffic Dropped? The answer is here!

Image Credit: https://unsplash.com/

Types of  traffic:

Organic Traffic:

Organic traffic refers to natural traffic that comes naturally means it’s traffic that arrives at your website through visitors that clicked your link from the search engine outcomes.

Direct Traffic:

Direct traffic indicates the traffic that reaches your website after writing in the name of your website directly.

Referral Traffic:

Referral traffic is traffic that reaches your website through another platform or source.

Paid traffic:

Paid traffic is traffic where the visitors reach a website via a link, paid click, or an advertisement.

Social traffic:

Social traffic is traffic that reaches your website through social networking platforms when visitors click your post and reach your website.

Email traffic:

Email traffic is traffic that reaches from a link in an email that you send to customers.

There are many things that can be a reason for your website’s downfall so first try to identify the things that can hurt your website and then take action.

Image Credit: https://unsplash.com/

Reasons for website downfall:

  • The most common reason for the sudden downfall in the platform traffic is Google Algorithm Update.
  • Bad site health is also one of the reasons for website downfall.
  • Your site contains too many broken links. That lands Google and users on a 404 error page.
  • Rising competition affects the platform’s traffic.
  • The website doesn’t include backlinks.
  • Hosting change might also be a reason for the website’s dropped traffic.
  • Website slow speed results, bad user experience. No user will like slow opening website. Keep track of your site page speed through Page Speed Insights.
  • Unnecessary Plugins are also bad for site health so always save necessary Plugins and avoid unnecessary ones.
  • Short and poor quality content is also a reason for website dropped traffic.

Your platform traffic dropped?  Don’t worry here is the solution to your site’s traffic…     

How to increase traffic?

Optimize your web-site for search engines: Better your site ranking on search engines by optimizing it for relevant keywords, writing high-quality content, and building backlinks.

Take social media help: Use social media to advertise your website by updating engaging content, running ads-campaign, and collaborating with influencers.

Email marketing: use email marketing tips for engaging more users.

Check your competitors: track what your competitors are doing and try to be better than your competitors.

Paid Advertisement: Invest in paid advertising through social media and other platforms.

Mobile friendly: Make sure your content is mobile friendly as most of the traffic on the website arrives through mobile users.

Focus on content writing: For making your website popular you need more traffic, & for more traffic, you need more visitors. To attract visitors you need to share meaningful and good quality content that visitors are searching for.

Site Health: Always do a checkup of your site. Site health really matters as it impacts the site ranking. Open your website dashboard and view your site health status. Keep your site health status good.

Final Note:

You can bring back your platform traffic but always make sure that you take daily updates of your site health, take responsibility of your website and make necessary changes if required.

We hope you are satisfied with our website traffic guide… Thank you for visiting legit master.       

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