Fake Delivery Scams! Exposed! Beware!

Do you love online shopping? If yes than this article is definitely for you. In this article we are exposing fake delivery scams. These scams can empty your pockets so please beware of fake delivery scams. Scammers are smart so its important to protect yourself from fake delivery scams. To know about the delivery scams check this review carefully.

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Fake Delivery Scam!

Online shopping is really fun & convenient but, there are drawbacks too one of which is fake delivery scam. With the increase in parcel delivery, Con artists are becoming creative to steal your money and personal information’s.

Fake delivery scam is a part of shopping scam in which con artist pretends like a delivery person and ask for OTP from a customers.

Fake Delivery Scams! Exposed! Beware!

Forms of delivery scam:

  • Multiple fake delivery scam begin with a text or an email about sending your parcel to your location that contains tracking link that ask you to click a link for parcel redelivery.
  • The link may look trustworthy but, you should never react to that link, instead of responding to the link directly contact the seller or the service team.
  • The link may also send you to a website that will ask your personal details or they can secretly steal your personal details and can empty your bank account.
  • Con artist also target individuals through OTP, mainly they target individuals who shop multiple times. They keep a track on people who receive products frequently.
  • The con artists contact people like a delivery person and contact them at their doorstep and if people denies to receive the parcel than they pretend like they are cancelling the delivery and ask OTP, and those who are not aware of this delivery scam provide them OTP, and after collecting OTP they will hack their phones and will collect their personal information.
  • Another form of the scam comes in the form of number from certain area code and ask you to submit parcel redelivery charges.

How to avoid fake delivery scams?

Online shopping is easy and fun with this it is also risky. Con artists trap you with many scams one of which is fake delivery scam but, their are ways to avoid such scams:

  • Never disclose your OTP.
  • If someone try to take your OTP and PIN then, verify the true identity of that person.
  • Do not accept fishy deliveries.
  • Never respond to suspicious or unknown links.
  • Mark suspicious email and text messages from untrusted company as a spam.
  • Always make sure to track your parcel.
  • Don’t respond to any suspicious email.

Online shopping is loved by millions of people with this the con artists hope that someone may fall into their trap as some people do not remember their order so if you get any call or message from unknown or suspicious company then, ignore it. Before giving your money to anyone make sure to study its history.

We suggest you to educate yourself and others and inform them about fake delivery scams, forms of delivery scam, and ways to avoid fake delivery scams.

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