What is [DBMS]Data base management system?

Data has become an integral part of human life and data should be stored efficiently. How you can store, retrieve, and extract data efficiently? Database management system can be the solution to this. Today’s article is for both professionals and also as well as for beginners. Here you will learn about DBMS with real-life examples which will help you in knowing better about database management system.

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What is [DBMS]Data base management system?

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Before discussing the database management system let’s first know what is data.

Data & Information:  

  • Data is a collection of raw facts that do not carry logical meaning. Data is independent means it does not depend on any information. Data consist of characters, numbers, strings, symbols, etc.
  • The group of data that gives you logical meaning and depends on the data, known as information.

Database System:

The database system is divided into 2-section i.e.

Database and Database management system.


  • The database is used to store, retrieve, delete, extract, and insert data efficiently and it also organizes and store data in the form of views, reports, schemes, tables, etc.

The database is all around you. Libraries, organizations, healthcare centers, schools, colleges, online stores, salons, agencies, companies, etc use data-base for data security and protection.

Database management system:

  • For the appropriate protection and security-measure of the user’s data, the database management system is designed; DBMS [Database management system] is software that is used for storing, extracting, and retrieving data.
  • It accepts data requests and then instructs the OS [operating system] to provide users with some specific data.
  • With the help of a database management system, individuals can create or generate their own data according to their requirements.
  • DBMS gives an interface between the users’ data and software.

Components of DBMS [database management system]

  • Software
  • Hardware
  • Database access language
  • Procedures
  • data
  • Users


  • Software is the DBMS between the users and the physical database
  • It is the most important DBMS Component
  • Software controls everything
  • Provides an easy interface to modify, update, store, and access data
  • Understands database access-language
  • Interprets database access-language into actual command of the database to execute the commands in the data base


  • Hardware refers to the actual system that is used for accessing and also keeping the database
  • It consists of secondary-storage devices

Database access language:

  • Language crafted to write commands
  • Commands are written by the user in data base access language which is then, submitted to data base management system after the submission, it is translated and then executed by the “DBMS”


Data is the key component of DBMS.


To use DBMS Procedure is the general rules and instructions.


Users are the person who manages controls and performs all the operation on the database.

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Types of users:

Database administrator:

The overall “DBMS” is managed by the database administrator.

Application programmer:

Application programmers are users who write a program in programming languages like C++, visual basic, and Java language to interact with databases.

End user: those who perform different-different operations such as: retrieving data, inserting, deleting, updating data, etc.

Real-life Example of a “Database management system”:

The database is all around….

Like in:

  • Your grocery store
  • Bank
  • Shopping sites
  • Stores
  • Offices
  • Colleges
  • Hospitals, etc.

End Note:

Without the data-base management system, it is impossible to manage and access data efficiently.

Visit: w3schools for DBMS Tutorial





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