Cherishein Reviews: Scam or Legit Online Store?

Cherishein is an affordable price adorable online store but, before shopping from this online store its better to check its review to know whether Cherishein is legit or a scam online store.

About Cherishein:

  • Cherishein is an online store that is displaying sweatshirts, tops, and t-shirts at affordable prices.
  • Under its all products category you will find t-shirts, tops, and sweatshirts. Men’s and women’s products are displayed under the same category.
  • If you will buy 3 products from this store than your shipping fees will be free of cost.

Cherishein Reviews: Scam or Legit Online Store?

Cherishein- Pros:

  • Cherishein products are made with comfort and high quality.
  • This store is distributing adorable clothing products.
  • Everything available on Cherishein is true to size.


  • It does not have social connections.
  • The customer support of this online store is very poor.
  • We checked the domain registration details of this store and found that its domain will expire next month and also the owner’s details are hidden.
  • Everything available on this store can be returned but the policies written on its policy page are not clear and seems suspicious.
  • This store has minimum traffic, which indicates that this store is visited by very few people.
  • The customer support email location, company name, and company address are mentioned on this online store but, they are not valid as the similar contact details also belongs to many other scam stores.

Is it a legit brand?

Cherishein is a clothing store that attract buyers by offering the lowest price products but, there are many drawbacks of Cherishein which proves that Cherishein is not a legit affordable price clothing store such as:

  • Let’s start with its about us section, the about us section of this store do contain details about the company product and services but, they are not genuine and even they haven’t displayed details about the brand owner.
  • Let’s move to its contact us page as we have clearly mentioned that the contact details about this brand are not genuine. You can also cross check the contact options on google by searching the contact details.
  • A good and genuine brand always have good social connection but this brand does not have any connection to the social world.
  • The domain of Cherishein was booked few months back and it will expire next month, this is also a negative sign.
  • Cherishein is offering big discounts, you may find this really attractive but, big discount is usually a scam sign as scam stores usually use big discount technique to target its customers.
  • For purchasing any product, we all check its review so that we can know whether the product is worth buying or not but, this brand does not have any reviews yet.
  • This brand haven’t got any positive response from the experts and also received low trust score.

How to recognize a fake brand?

  • Before ordering anything from any unknown brand, always research the brand, check its URL, security connection, customer, and online reviews, a little research about the brand can save  your money.
  • Study the payment options, if the payment option seems suspicious than avoid that brand.
  • Try different passwords for every account. Once the con artists finds that you are using the same password for every account they may use the password on your every account.
  • Don’t forget to monitor your account.
  • Never disclose your sensitive data like PIN and OTP.
  • Before purchasing or sending money to anyone, do online search.
  • Carefully study the customers reviews and also owners details, before trusting any brand.
  • Check the contact options, do not trust limited or suspicious contact details.

Cherishein is an online shopping fraud so its better  to avoid this brand.

We hope you are satisfied with our Cherishein guide… Thank you for visiting legit master.          

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