How to Design a Website in 25 Minutes!

Setting up a website is one of the most effective ways of making money so what are you waiting for? Here are the ways of constructing a website in 25 minutes. Let’s construct a design website of your own.

Also, Check: DBMS, MasterClass

How to Design a Website in 25 Minutes!

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1. Select a name for your website:

Select a name for your website and check its availability. Once you get the perfect name for your website go to the next process which is to get domain and hosting. Keep your website name related to the domain that you will select for your business as a website whose name is not related to the domain name is counted as a fake website.

2. Select a web host and Register the Domain name:

Domain and hosting are the two things that we require for launching a website.  Hosting is the place on the internet where the website files/data will be stored and the domain is the name of your website.

Go to for buying hosting, choose your hosting wisely.

Follow these steps for getting domain and hosting:

Click- get started then, enter the exact name that you select earlier then click Search and continue.

  • Check plans and proceed to check out.
  • Click Create an Account and submit the details
  • Select your transaction option and click continue and make the payment.

3. Install word press:

We select word press because it’s easy to build and control a website without any knowledge of programming and coding.  After installing Word press you will reach the dashboard from where you can control your website. Visiting the dashboard means your website is live.

Note: Astra WordPress theme is the best WordPress theme. You can also go for some other responsive WordPress theme.

4. Select a theme design:

To edit your website easily, select a theme. To install the theme go to the dashboard-word press site and click the theme and click add a new-search theme. Click install and activate.

5. Upload content:

  • Go to dashboard
  • Click post
  • Click add new and then, upload your content

Note: Avoid Thin and poor-quality content as this type of content leaves a bad impression.

6. Promote Website:

The biggest thing is to promote your website so, start promoting your website through content marketing, social media, quora, giveaways, email marketing, etc. The websites that promote them on social media leave a good impact on users. Leave your site’s link on the high authority platforms. generate maximum backlinks for your platform.

End Note:

You will be online in just 25 minutes, just follow these simple processes and for that, you don’t need any high-paid developer & designer…. Good Luck

We hope you are satisfied with our website design guide and are sure that you will be now able to construct your own website in just 25 minutes… Thank you for visiting legit master.

We are very thankful that you choose us and hope you have understood the ways of constructing a website in 25 minutes; you may also share your opinion on “How to design a website in just 25 minutes” in the website comment section! 


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