How to do Keyword Research for SEO?

Keyword research should be your top priority for Seo as it is an important part of marketing strategy. Today we are introducing keyword research. Our introduction to keyword research will help you win traffic and Google ranking.

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Introducing keyword research!

Identifying your content’s topic with a word or phrase is known as a keyword. Users input something on the search bar to know something in which they are interested. For top Google ranking and high traffic keyword research is important. Keyword research is a step of finding words or phrases that users are looking for.

How to do Keyword Research for SEO?

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Make it or Break it:

You can make or break your marketing strategy through keyword research.  For good keywords, strategies follow these points to drive SEO ranking and high traffic.

  • Avoid high-competition keywords.
  • Stop repeating keywords. When you use too many keywords, your content will seem spammy and it will be less likely to achieve good rank.
  • Stop keyword stuffing, it will hurt your Google Ranking.
  • Make sure to select keywords that are relevant to your article and that your target public is likely to look for.
  • Don’t ignore long-tail keywords as these keywords are less competitive which indicates that they are more likely to drive your platform traffic.
  • Make sure to track your results so that you may know what is working and what is not working. You can take the help of Google Analytics to track your keyword ranking and platform traffic.

Importance of keywords:

Keywords are essential because they help you know what people are looking for and the content you need to give them in order to meet their requirements, for example, you will type social into the search engine, and the result will show varieties of related results.

Keyword uses:

  • Blog
  • Articles
  • Meta description
  • PPC
  • Video alt text
  • Image alt text

Best keyword search tools:

Keyword ideas:

  • Check the related searches section of Google search results. For example, you are searching social networking in Google; Google will guide you by providing related searches that many people search, click on any result after clicking on any result Google will provide you other lists of the related searches.
  • You can choose Wordstream for keyword ideas, it is a free keyword tool that will give you suggestions of the best keywords that you need to target. To find suggestions enter a keyword. You can also make your search easy by submitting industry, state, or country. Wordstream will give you suggestions along with the monthly search volume, top-of-page bid (high range), top-of-page bid (low range), and keyword competition.
  • You can take keyword ideas from Ahrefs which is a keyword generator that generates keywords for free. At Ahrefs you will get thousands of keyword ideas in seconds.
  • The keyword tool is the best alternative option to keyword search tools and Google Keyword Planner. For each search result keyword tool creates up to 750+ long-tail keyword recommendations. Without an account, you can use the keyword tool for free.
  • Through word tracker, you can search new keywords for your market.
  • For keyword ideas, you can also go for Semrush, which is a magic keyword tool where you can achieve millions of keyword recommendations for your SEO.
  • Moz is a keyword explorer which is best for keyword ideas, this tool has over 1.25 billion traffic-driving keywords.
  • Mailchimp is best for keyword research that is free of cost.
  • Ryrob {Ryan Robinson} is a free tool where you can search the best keyword ideas for your content, monthly search volume, view the ranking difficulty, and it is good for identifying low competition keywords.
  • With the help of seobility to can find relevant keywords for your platform quickly and easily.
  • Searchvolume is a great tool for free keyword search volume; this tool will give you an idea of targeting keywords.
  • With the help of the similar web, you can select keywords that receive traffic.

Places where you can add keywords

  • URL
  • Title
  • Description
  • Headings {h1-h6}
  • Slug
  • Content
  • Image alt tag

Keyword types:

  • Short tail keyword: keyword that consists of one or two words like marketing strategy
  • Long tail keyword: keyword that consists of more words like What is the best marketing strategy

Difference between long tail and short tail:

Short tail:

  • Broad search terms
  • High search volume
  • High competition
  • Hard to rank
  • Low conversion rate

Long tail:

  • Specific search term
  • Low search volume
  • Low competition
  • Easy to rank
  • High conversion rate

Pro Tips:

  • Select the correct structure for the website
  • Include SEO-Friendly URL
  • Use Meta description and title
  • Do perfect keyword research
  • Include keywords in h1 and h2
  • Publish long-form and quality article
  • Include keywords in content but, do not repeat keywords much time
  • Use proper internal linking
  • Use videos and images
  • Create users and mobile friendly platform
  • Include your platform in the Google search console
  • Generate and submit a sitemap
  • Create social profiles
  • Create an about us and brand details link
  • Use analytics to track platform visitors

We hope you are satisfied with our keyword research guide… Thank you for visiting legit master.       

If you want high traffic from search engines then, you need proper keyword research, in this guide, we have covered everything that you need to understand for identifying the proper keyword research, now, we are sure you gonna make it not break it.

We are very thankful that you choose us and hope you have understood everything about keyword research; you may also share your opinion about keyword research on the website comment section!

Good luck & Keep growing!




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